
Trees-2-textiles through sustainable technology


Aihe: Tekstiilit ja kestävyys

In this workshop, we will show you how we turned a tree into a gala dress.

Did you know that some of the clothes in your wardrobe are actually made of trees? Do you know that clothes cannot just be reused through second-hand sale but that they can actually be recycled, just like paper or glass? And did you know that the same fibers that are used for clothes can also be turned into carbon fibers to make car parts or sports equipment?

We will discuss all this and more in our workshop!

Järjestäjä: Susanna Ahola, Helena Sederholm, Nicole Nygren
Workshopin kieli: Englanti
Sijainti: Aalto Bioproducts Center, Vuorimiehentie 1
Klo: 13:00-14:30 (1. ryhmä) tai 14:45-16:15 (2.ryhmä)

Workshoppien osallistujien enimmäismäärä on 10 henkilöä/ryhmä.

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