Tampereen yliopisto Shaking up Tech workshop
kuva: Jonne Renvall

The University of Tampere joins Shaking up Tech 2025!

The University of Tampere will participate at Aalto University's Shaking up Tech study fair! The participants of the Aalto event will have the opportunity to get to know Tampere University's fields of study during the fair.

Tampere University is one of the most multidisciplinary universities in Finland. The University is known for its excellence in teaching and research and it collaborates with hundreds of universities and organisations worldwide. Get to know Tampere University!

Event goers gathered in a lobby, waiting for the program to begin.

What is Shaking up Tech?

Shaking up Tech is a yearly event by universities for women and gender minorities who are beginning their path towards university studies and career choices. In Shaking up Tech we wish to give out a versatile understanding of technology as a field and career choice. The aim of the event is to inspire young people from genders underpresented in the field of technology to apply for a technical field after high school.

Shaking up Tech event

Instructions, detailed schedules and FAQ

On this page you can find all the information you need to apply and participate in Shaking up Tech.

Shaking up Tech 2020


See the speakers for Shaking up Tech career stories by women working in the technology field.

Kemian laboratorio -työpajassa opiskelijat pääsivät mm. venyttämään hämähäkkisilkkiä sen jälkeen, kun silkkiproteiini oli sopivasti tiivistynyt. (Shaking up Tech 2019, kuva: Mikko Raskinen)


Participating in the workshops, the participants get to experience what does working in the field of technology mean .

Event participant heating up a string made of heat-active material with a heatgun.


The demo session will showcase the latest products and inventions in the field of technology from university research groups and event partners.

Shaking up Tech fair

Study fair

Participants are free to explore the fair, where they have the opportunity to meet students from various fields of study in technology.

Shaking up Tech is sponsored by: