Apply to the event

Aalto University, LUT University and the University of Oulu are organising Shaking up Tech on 12.10.2023 with the aim of inspiring young women and gender minorities attending high school to study and work in the field of technology.

Who can participate?

Event applications are open for women and gender minorities who are studying advanced math in high school, and wish to find out more about studying and working in the field of technology. We value your interest in the field when we are choosing the participants, so please let us know why you wish to attend when applying.
We also take into consideration geographical coverage, so participants from all over Finland may attend the event. If the event is full, we give priority to those applicants whose high school studies are closer to completion. The chosen participants will be notified in early September.

How do I apply?

1. Read more about the event on our website

The day of the event starts with career story talks by women working in the field of technology and continues after lunch with workshops and demo showcases. The event ends with a study fair where the participants have a chance to talk to the students of their host university. The main language of the event is Finnish, but some of the workshops and speeches are in English. For year 2023, our goal is to establish a way to attend the event fully in English!

We try our best to take into account the special needs reported to us during the application, such as mobility restrictions. The event is free of charge for selected participants, including travel and, if necessary, accommodation. For those coming from further away, accommodation will be arranged for the night before and/or following the event.


See the speakers for Shaking up Tech career stories by women working in the technology field.

Shaking up Tech 2020


Participating in the workshops, the participants get to experience what does working in the field of technology mean .

Kemian laboratorio -työpajassa opiskelijat pääsivät mm. venyttämään hämähäkkisilkkiä sen jälkeen, kun silkkiproteiini oli sopivasti tiivistynyt. (Shaking up Tech 2019, kuva: Mikko Raskinen)


The demo session will showcase the latest products and inventions in the field of technology from university research groups and event partners.

Event participant heating up a string made of heat-active material with a heatgun.

Study fair

Participants are free to explore the fair, where they have the opportunity to meet students from various fields of study in technology.

Shaking up Tech fair

2. Choose which university event you wish to participate in

NOTE! The events at Aalto and Oulu Univeristies are full, but you can still apply to the evente at LUT University (deadline 14.9.).

The application form asks which university event you want to participate in. You are free to choose more than one, as long as you will be able to attend the event in the universities of your choosing. You must choose at least one preferred location.

3. Fill the application

Please fill in your contact information on the form with care. We will contact you later by email, so please actively check the email inbox. We may use the application you have filled to apply for a tax free grant to cover any possible travel costs related to your visit.

Go to the event application form

4. Wait for a response and further instructions

Application period for the event is 1.8.-14.9.2023. Currently, the events at Aalto and Oulu Universities are full, but there are still a few places left at LUT University.

The team at Aalto will inform all applicants on the chosen participants on 4.9.,after which you will need to fill out a more specific form by 28.9. at the latest to confirm your participation in the event. 

The teams are LUT and Univeristy of Oulu will inform their applicants later in September.

Please familiarize yourself with the descriptions of the workshops in advance, as at this point you can choose which workshops you wish to participate in. Workshops availability will depend on which university you are attending the event in.

Useful information for the event day

The event day starts with registration on the campus area of each university. You will get instructions for the day at the registration point. Registration opens at 07:00. After registration, breakfast is available until 09:30. The event starts at exactly 10:00, so please arrive no later than 09:50.

Guidelines for inclusive interaction in Shaking up Tech

We want every participant to feel welcome and safe in the event. By behaving in a responsible manner and respecting the rights of others we give everyone equal opportunity to enjoy the event:

  • We meet each other with an open mind and respect diversity.
  • We are open to learn, and we listen and give space to everyone. 
  • We use inclusive and respectful language.

If you notice any inappropriate behaviour during the event, please ask for assistance from the Shaking up Tech team members.

Travelling to event

We will apply for a tax-free grant to cover travel expenses inside Finland for the event participants. (

Booking/purchasing travel tickets is your responsibility. Ticket compensation is applied for after the event, with the travel compensation form sent to the participants. You should book your trip as soon as possible after you receive the confirmation that you have been selected, as you need to state the travel fees when filling the confirmation form.

Please note we will only reimburse tickets bought in the following timeframe:
Aalto: 4.9.-28.9.
University of Oulu: 11.9.-21.9.
LUT-University: 4.9.-21.9.

To be reimbursed for the travel fees, you will need to provide both the travel ticket, and the purchase receipt related with it. As a rule we will reimburse a trip from participants' home municipality to the event venue by the cheapest public transportation option. Exceptions can be made in the following situations:

  • When the travel time would exceed 6 hours, we will cover expenses on a faster, more expensive option.
  • Use of your own car may be reimbursed for legs of the journey where no public transport is available, based on the government rate for travel fees (0,53€ / km in 2023). Please provide a signed document stating the journey length in km signed by the driver of the vehicle.

The reimbursement of your travel expenses will cover the day of the event, and, depending on the situation, the day before and/or the day after. If you need to leave before 06.00 in the morning to make it in time to the event, you may also arrive the previous day and spend the night in our booked hotel. See "Accommodation" below.

All compensation requests will be processed as soon as possible and compensations will be usually paid within 2-3 weeks of receiving the application (please keep the tickets and receipts until you have received the compensation).

The travel reimbursement form is personal and you can use the form to apply for reimbursements only for your own expenses. Receipts or travel tickets must be scanned/photographed (a screenshot is also acceptable) and attached to the form. One form is used to apply for compensation for all completed trips. Please note that we only compensate your trips in the event city once to the venue, and once from the venue (e.g. train station - University campus - train station). If you buy a 24h ticket, we will reimburse you the equivalent amount of two one way tickets in the travel region. Other voluntary movement on public transport must be paid by participants. Please make sure that the attachments are clear and the form is filled out carefully.

You will receive a link to the travel reimbursement form and more detailed instructions on how to fill it in after the event. The form must be completed within one week after the event, by 22.10.2023 at the latest. Please note that you will need your own bank details or a mobile certificate to complete the form. The form cannot be completed by the guardian and the reimbursement cannot be paid to the guardian's account. The travel claim form is personal and you can only use it to claim for your own expenses. Please keep all travel tickets and/or receipts for the form.

In cases of sickness, we only reimburse trips if you are in possession of a medical certificate. In case you get sick and cannot attend, please let us know by email. Add the medical certificate in your travel reimbursement form while filling it out.


Shaking up Tech is a one-day event, but since we want to offer the opportunity to participate also to those coming from further away, we will arrange accommodation for you in the event city if necessary:

  • for the night before the event, in the case that you cannot make it to the campus by 09:45 if travelling on the day of the event when leaving home by 06.00.
  • for the night after the event, if by leaving the campus at 19:00 you would not be at home by midnight.

More information will be provided if you let us know about your need for accommodation while applying for the event.


During the event, all meals are free for participants. Please declare any dietary restrictions on the registration form. All the food offered during the event day will be vegetarian, please confirm if a particular food is vegan from the staff or menu cards.

Breakfast for early arrivals (07:00 – 09:30)
Please inform us if you are eating breakfast when filling the confirmation form, as we will only order breakfast for those who have reserved it in advance. Everyone with accommodation for the night before the event will have breakfast available at the hotel.

Standing lunch (11.30 – 12.45)
Our speakers will attend the lunch, so you have the possibility to chat with them and the other event participants. Please take care of good hand hygiene and use hand sanitizer!

Dinner served during the student fair (17.00 – 18.30)
Dinner usually consists of take away food items you can enjoy while touring the fair, for example small pizzas or other kinds of finger food.

For people staying the night in accommodation, evening snacks and breakfast are available.

Event app

For this year's Shaking up Tech event, we are using the LiveTo event app, which works in your phone's browser. You will receive a link to the app by email along with the rest of the event info.

When you register, we will distribute a name badge to all participants. Please keep your name badge handy throughout the day for easy identification.

Below you will find more information on arrival and accommodation accorgon to the venue.

The event day starts at Aalto University Undergrad Center (Otakaari 1, Espoo), where you will be welcomed in the main lobby.

On the campus of LUT University, you will be received in the main lobby, right next to the main doors.

You will be received in the entrance hall 2T on Linnanmaa campus of the University of Oulu. You can spot the right door by a large green "Oulu University" sign above the entrance.

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