
Exploring Virtual Reality

Workshop description

This fun and educational workshop is designed to show the limitless possibilities of VR.

Introduction: Virtual reality (VR) technology transports us to real or synthetic places that may be inaccessible, breathtaking, complex beyond our wildest imagination, or just simple and relaxing. The newest VR systems are cheap, lightweight, and easy to program, which makes it an exciting time to explore this technology. The workshop is designed to inspire participants to make their own unique contribution to the field of VR by introducing them to its possibilities and applications in education, medicine, entertainment, and social good.

Workshop Activities:

  1. Introduction to VR: Participants will receive an overview of VR, including its definition, history, and applications in various fields.
  2. VR Headset Demonstration:  Participants will see a demonstration of different VR headsets, including an explanation of their components and how they work.
  3. Hands-On Experience: Participants will try out a VR headset and experience a variety of VR applications, including: education, medical training, virtual training, empathy-building experiences, and entertainment.
  4. Role Models: There will be a Q&A session with successful women in VR and IT fields discussing their career paths and achievements, and sharing their experience with participants.
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