
Indoor climate change?

Workshop description

Subject: Building and civil engineering

Come to the workshop to try out the thermal camera and look for cold bridges in structures.

Oulu sisäilma demo

Indoor air problems are now more talked about than ever and many of the causes have already been identified. However, there is still much to be done. In addition to typical damp and mould damage, there is also much talk about microbes in the home and outdoors, both harmful and, increasingly, beneficial. Are we cleaning ourselves sick? What do microbes in the home tell us? Will we be adding beneficial microbes to our indoor air in the future, or will it be enough just to open the windows and go outside?

Nowadays we measure all sorts of other things about indoor air. Test for organic dirt on different surfaces. Investigate the pressure difference between the outside and inside of a building and learn what it means in practice. Check the concentration of particulate matter and carbon dioxide in the indoor air. These and many more are part of the job of an indoor air scientist. Will you be one of us?

Organiser: Building and civil engineering research group, Faculty of Technology, University of Oulu
Language: Finnish
Time: 12:30-13:30 and 14:00-15:00

The maximum amount of participants is 5 people/round.

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